Empresa / Quality

In order to guarantee Quality, Intercampus is an active member of various associations of the sector


INTERCAMPUS fully observes the ICC/ESOMAR international code, as well as all the specific guidelines for types of studies, collection methodologies, special precautions to take with the different targets, etc.


INTERCAMPUS is a founding member of APODEMO (Portuguese Association of Market Research and Opinion Poll Companies), having chaired the Board during the three-year term of office of 2015/2017.


One of the priorities of APODEMO, as a representative of the activity in Portugal, has been the preparation and approval of a Quality Code for the Sector - CODEMO (Portuguese Code for Market Research and Opinion Studies), as well as a system for control and certification of recruitment for qualitative studies - SAC, which seeks to assure greater quality in the consumer capture procedures.


The Managing Director of INTERCAMPUS, António Salvador, is a member of AEDEMO (Spanish Association of Market Research and Opinion Studies).


INTERCAMPUS is associated to the MSPA (Mystery Shopping Providers Association) and has been a Member of the Board of MSPA Europa since 2011. MSPA – Mystery Shopping Providers Association Europe.


MSPA is an association dedicated to the development and sharing of best practices in Mystery Client studies and has its own code of ethics, adapted to this methodology.


In addition to governing all its activity by these strict Quality standards, we have internally established a series of control programmes to certify the quality of the studies that we conduct.