Serviços / Quantitative Studies Methodologies
Quantitative Studies Methodologies

The Quantitative Studies seek to identify and, especially, quantify the most varied of phenomena such as opinions, attitudes, motivations, patterns of behaviour…

Although there are various quantitative types of research, all have a common denominator; samples of significant size (statistically validated) which enable the quantification of the phenomena under study.

Quantitative research is also characterised by the undertaking of directed interviews using structured questionnaires which enable aggregating the results and establishing projections by use of different statistical measurements.










The name Multi-Client is related to the fact that, in each study, a different number of clients include a set of their own and exclusive questions (subject to personalised treatment), sharing only the characterisation data and costs with all the other clients. These studies are particularly suitable for the constant measurement of consumer opinions and behaviour, in periods of short or long duration.

Contact us to learn more about our Monthly Multi-Clients.


INTERCAMPUS is a company accredited by the ERC (Regulatory Entity for the Media) and has longstanding experience in the conduct of political and electoral polls, in pre-election environments (assessment of the satisfaction of municipal citizens, measurement of voting intention,…) and in election exit polling (on the election day).




The name Multi-Client is related to the fact that, in each study, a different number of clients include a set of their own and exclusive questions (subject to personalised treatment), sharing only the characterisation data and costs with all the other clients. These studies are particularly suitable for the constant measurement of consumer opinions and behaviour, in periods of short or long duration.

Contact us to learn more about our Monthly Multi-Clients.


INTERCAMPUS is a company accredited by the ERC (Regulatory Entity for the Media) and has longstanding experience in the conduct of political and electoral polls, in pre-election environments (assessment of the satisfaction of municipal citizens, measurement of voting intention,…) and in election exit polling (on the election day)..